Today i started on my assessments which is to investigate how do different brands of popcorn differ in their popping rate? I will time each popcorn by 3 minutes.
These are the four popcorn choices i have chosen during my experiement to reasearch the different times between their popping rate. The different brands are: coles butter flavour, PoPPiN butter flavour lite, PoPPiN butter flavour, PoPPiN triple butter flavour. These popcorn will be tested to show the different time between popcorns popping rate.
Coles butter flavour popcorn:
The popcorn i have chosen to start with is the Coles butter flavour popcorn. I will start to place it in the microwave now and see how long it takes. I timed it for 3 minutes and it finished at 47 seconds that means it took 133 seconds which s 2minutes and 13 seconds. these are the stages it went through:
3:00 marker (the start of the timer)
2:45 marker (starting to pop)
2:27 marker (more popping and filled with popcorn and corn)
2:00 marker (more popping)
1:45 marker (starting to slow down on popping)
1:23 marker (slowed down more)
47 second marker (finished)
finished popcorn (popcorn in a bowl that is ready to eat).
PoPPiN popcorn butter flavour (lite):
My second popcorn is the PoPPiN lite version popcorn and i will start it now. It will be timed for 3 minutes. I have finished the popcorn and here are the stages it went through and the results I had:the popcorn finished at 1:17 minutes.
PoPPiN butter flavour popcorn:
My third and second last popcorn is PoPPiN microwave popcorn butter flavour that will be timed for 3 minutes. I will start my investigation now. The popcorn finished at 1:13 minutes
My final popcorn tiem difference is the PoPPiN triple butter flavour explosion:
This will be times for 3 minutes and I will start the investigation now: the popcorn finished marker was at 55 seconds
I hvae gone through the investigation and the popping rate of every different kind of popcorn is not similar or different because the popcorn has butter flavour which is made up of butter and grease and will pop alot faster due to the heat expanding it.
Middle popping time
Coles butter popcorn
3 minutes
2 minute marker
47 second marker
PoPPiN lite flavour popcorn
3 minutes
2:05 minute marker
1:17 minute marker
PoPPiN butter flavour
3 minutes
1:52 minute marker
1:13 minute marker
PoPPiN triple flavour popcorn
3 minutes
1:50 minute marker
55 second marker
This table represents the time difference between all the popping times and rates. Time difference between popcorn is due to all the products, ingrediants and other stuff in popcorn can have a reaction to the heat outside of popcorn bag and can heat them up at different times and different sizes.
Hope my investigation has helped you and will help you in future times.
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